Digital Forensics Investigation Helps Business Partners Resolve Alleged Breach Event

Notion Digital Forensics was engaged by a multinational technology company to investigate an alleged breach of their systems, in which a private key from a server certificate was publicly shared by unknown parties. The government department they were working with believed that the technology company could have disclosed the key (either by accident or cyber […]

Stopping the spread of a sophisticated spear phishing attack

Notion Digital Forensics faced a cyber emergency involving a customer of an IT Managed Service Provider (MSP). The customer was a professional services business, whose head of marketing had their email compromised by a sophisticated spear phishing scam. The professional services firm’s Microsoft Office 365 account was copied, and thousands of business contacts were extracted. […]

Assisting a UK-based Cyber Security Firm with Forensic Evidence Acquisition in Australia

A UK-based cyber security firm, conducting cyber insurance investigations in Australia, faced challenges with obtaining forensic copies that met the NIST 800-86 international standard. They turned to Notion Digital Forensics for assistance, and we successfully acquired the required evidence, following strict data protection and encryption standards.

Joint Rapid Ransomware Response and Recovery Operation for an Australian Business

A complex Australian business fell victim to a ransomware attack, which halted their production. They also had some uncertainty about how effective their backups were. Notion Digital Forensics was contacted to provide guidance and expertise, working alongside the company’s IT teams, MSP (Managed Service Provider), and MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) to quickly recover from the incident.