This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected by Quatara Consulting Pty Ltd on this website.

Personal information doesn’t mean all information

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) says that personal information relates to someone who can be reasonably identified.

If the information doesn’t say who you are, it probably won’t be personal information. In that case, this policy does not apply.

We collect this information

The kind of personal information that we collect from you will depend on how you use the website. The personal information which we collect and hold about you may include:

  • Any information you put into a form on our website.

  • Your Internet Protocol number (but in almost all cases we can’t reasonably identify you from this information).

  • Although we can’t identify you in most cases (unless you fill in a form on our site), Google might be able to. We provide inforamtion to Google, and Google is known to have identified some individuals. We can’t see personally identifiable information, and Google never will provide it to us.

The process of collection

  • We may collect personal information from you whenever you input such information into the website.

  • We also collect cookies from your computer which enable us to tell when you use the website and also to help customise your website experience. As a general rule, however, it is not possible to identify you personally from our use of cookies.

  • Google may have their cookie on our site, which may enable them to identify you. They don’t tell us who you are.

Why we do it

  • The purpose for which we collect personal information is to provide you with the best service experience possible on the website.

  • Only authorised Notion Digital Forensic staff have access to personal information collected (ie form data).

  • It is our policy to be co-operative to all Australian legal authorities. We may be asked (or ordered) to provide personal information to an authority with suitable legal standing (eg an Australian court of law). If its an order, we have no choice but to comply. If its an invitation or discovery request, we may comply based on our opinion on the law and/or the advice of our lawyers. You should bear this in mind when providing information to us via a form on this website.

  • In theory, our hosting provider could access our server and see this information. We don’t know if they do this, or why they would do this. We have heard no stories that they have done this for other customers, unless ordered to do so by a suitable legal authority.

  • Your personal information may also be exposed from time to time to maintenance and support personnel acting in the normal course of their duties, either staff of our business, or of our hosting provider.

  • By using our website, you consent to the receipt of direct marketing material. We will only use your personal information for this purpose if we have collected such information direct from you, and if it is material of a type which you would reasonably expect to receive from us. We do not use sensitive personal information in direct marketing activity. Our direct marketing material will include a simple means by which you can request not to receive further communications of this nature.

  • We mentioned above we provide data to Google via their cookie. In return, Google provides us with summarised, anonymised information about how people use our site, how they find it, what search keywords they used to find it and other data. They do not provide us personal data – all of the information they provide to us is anonymised. Specifically, we use software a large number of other sites use, which is Google Analytics and Google Adwords. For more information, please ask Google.

Access and correction

Australian Privacy Principle 12 permits you to see personal information we hold about you in certain circumstances, and Australian Privacy Principle 13 allows you to correct inaccurate personal information subject to certain exceptions. If you would like to obtain such access, please contact the privacy officer via our contact form, by phone, or by regular mail. For regular mail contacts, please allow a few weeks, and check with us if you do not hear back.

Complaint procedure

If you have a complaint relating to how we manage the privacy of your personal information, please contact us the same way as for “Access and Correction”. All complaints will be considered by Privacy Officer and we may seek further information from you to clarify your concerns. If we agree that your complaint is well founded, we will, in consultation with you, take appropriate steps to rectify the problem. If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Overseas transfer

Your personal information will not be disclosed by us to recipients outside Australia unless you expressly request us to do so. As we stated above, Google may receive information via their cookie on our site, and they may be able to identify you personally with it. This is common practice. Google may transfer this informatiohn outside of Australia or to its trusted business partners.