Digital Forensic Analysis in a contractual dispute and building CCTV data

A case study on work that Notion Digital Forensics have completed.

A group of businesses in a multi-level building were involved in a contractual dispute with their strata manager over a long-term cleaning contract. The businesses claimed that the cleaning services provided by the strata manager were not adequate and sought evidence to support their case for termination of the contract. A digital forensic analysis of the building’s CCTV system was conducted to provide insight into the cleaning activities.


The objective of the digital forensic analysis was to examine the CCTV footage of the building to determine the extent of cleaning performed by the cleaning company.


Notion Digital Forensics worked with the solicitor before the contract cleaning company was served. We acquired the hard drive evidence prior to serving the cleaning company to preserve evidence. We then conducted a motion analysis of the footage, quickly sorting through many days of video. We then produce this into a finished video, so the parties could see what was going on.


The digital forensic analysis provided evidence of inadequate cleaning on the specified dates. This evidence was useful for the businesses in their contractual dispute with the strata manager, supporting their case for termination of the cleaning contract.

About Notion Digital Forensics

Notion Digital Forensics are technical experts in cybersecurity, e-discovery, and digital forensic investigation and cyber-defence for business and lawyers.

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The case study presented above is based on real events. To protect the identities of the parties involved, we have altered certain facts and details. These changes may be minor or significant and may include the inclusion of false information. Our aim is to maintain confidentiality for those involved.

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Cybersecurity and digital forensics are specialised fields with various options and trade-offs. The information provided on this website may not be applicable to your specific situation. It is highly recommended that you seek tailored advice from an expert before taking any action. We are cyber security specialists, but we may not be your cyber security specialists. Seek professional advice.